
Mittwoch, 26. September 2012

Rouladen recipe for Corinna and Renae

Rouladen, step by step  for Corinna and Renae

  • 4 slices top round
  • bacon
  • onions, sliced
  • mustard, salt, pepper, beef bouillon, corn starch
  • 1 - 2 cups water

put salt and pepper on the meat

spread mustard
onions on top from the mustard
add bacon
usually i roll up the slices with yarn

rolled up with yarn
put some oil in a frying pan , add onions and meat
let the meat and onions brown on each side
put 1 to 2 cups of water in the pan let it boil, turn the heat on low, put top on the pan and cook it for about 1 1/2 or 2 hours. When the water is boiling, put in some instant beef boillon (about 1 or 2 tablespoons). After cooking time, remove rouladen. Take the yarn off. To thicken gravy, combine about 1-2 tbsp. corn starch in a little cold water and stir gently into cooking liquid until slightly thickened.
Enjoy your meal

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